Such key residents as Svoboda Sugar Plant JSC, Kuban Meat-Processing Complex LLC, and Glavstroy-Ust-Labinsk LLC have already placed their production facilities in the territory of the "Kuban" Industrial Park with an area of 905 ha in Ust-Labinsk,
Special emphasis in the creation of the industrial park was placed on the development of engineering infrastructure: a high-pressure gas pipeline was built, the design of a sewage collector was completed, and the first start-up complex of the mini-CHPP with a capacity of 4.44 MW was built, with its possible increase as needs arise, and can be extended to the necessary volumes.
The investment potential of the park, with consideration of the constructed and designed facilities, allows placing another nearly 20 new plants in its territory.
The Administration of the Municipal Formation Ust-Labinsk District together with the Kuban AgroHolding Management Company LLC and the "Kuban" Industrial Park Management Company LLC are interested in locating plants with environmentally friendly production in the industrial park and invite business representatives for cooperation. All the necessary conditions for the successful organization of production activities are created for the industrial park residents.